Walmart has Fujifilm Superia X-TRA 400 35mm film in-stock for very cheap right now
Go grab some (relatively) cheap film before it sells out.

Update: This is showing up much more expensive for some people in different areas. If you log into your Walmart account, it may drop down to the price below, but you may have to have it shipped to the store or go pick it up.
Film has gotten more expensive lately, and some stocks have been just plain hard to find. But Walmart has 3-packs of Fujicolor Superia X-TRA 400 in stock right now for $25 with free shipping. Some stores even have it in stock if you want to go pick it up. My local store has six three-packs at the moment.
Fujifilm Fujicolor Superia X-TRA 400 $24.98 per 3-pack of 36 exposures
It has been a bit since I’ve seen film on big box store shelves, but Walmart seems to be flush with these 3-packs at the moment. Superia X-TRA 400 is a vibrant film with a relatively chunky grain and a long shelf life. The current 400-speed stock bears a striking resemblance to Kodak’s popular Ultra Max 400 film, which is currently very hard to find and considerably more expensive than these Fujifilm rolls.
While these 3-packs were cheaper than this just a few years ago, they’re not considerably more expensive just about everywhere else. And that’s if you can find them in stock at all. So, go and grab some to keep feeding those film cameras.