Social Media
Photography and social media are intrinsically intertwined—here’s where you’ll find everything you need to know about how platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Snapchat, etc. are impacting image-making and vice versa.
Latest Social Media Stories

Facebook Working on a Major Mobile Photosharing App

Official 500px App Hits iPad

How To Find Great Photography on the Internet

Recreations of Famous Photos Sweep the Internet (Kind Of)

Instagram Hits 150 Million Uploads

Instagram just made it easier to unfollow people

Flickr Finally Gets An Android App And Communal Browsing

Twitter Rolls Out Photo Galleries…Finally

Instagram Takeover: Phyllis B. Dooney Examines Stereotypes of Black Fatherhood in Brooklyn

Instagram Takeover: Troy Holden on the Strange Streets of San Francisco

Instagram’s Most Popular Posts Are Awful Garbage, But That’s Not a Good Reason to Condemn The Service

Instagram Takeover: First Week of Legal Weed in Oregon with Daniel Berman

Instagram Takeover: Akasha Rabut Alongside the Marching Bands of New Orleans

Instagram Takeover: Gabriella Demczuk’s Midterm Election Voter Portraits

Instagram Takeover: Daro Sulakauri’s Underage Marriage Project

Instagram Takeover: Andrew Hinderaker Captures Black Friday Chaos in New York

Instagram Takeover: Loulou d’Aki in Iran

Tod Seelie Takes Over Our Instagram Feed On His Route 66 Road Trip