Science Confirms Posting Too Many Photos to Facebook Makes People Hate You
Turns out the type of photos you share, and the frequency at which you share them can affect your relationships, even in real life

Sharing photos on Facebook is a tricky thing. Some shooters refuse to do it outright. Some share photos so often it’s like watching a time lapse of their life. Most of us fall somewhere in between. It turns out the frequency and subject matter of your photos can affect how your friends feel about you.
Four universities in the UK teamed up to create a study called “Tagger’s Delight? Disclosure and liking in Facebook: The effects of sharing photographs amongst multiple known social circles.” Using questionnaires, they looked at how posting different types of photos at various frequencies affected perceptions of “support” and “intimacy.”
The source material is an academic paper and it reads as such, but there are some interesting facts to be gleaned, even if you’re not approaching it from a scholarly level. For instance, “For both support and intimacy, a close friend sharing more photographs of friends is negatively related to relationship quality.” And, “Within marketing it should be understood that campaigns that entice users to post photographs to brand pages within Facebook, may have detrimental effects on the relationships their ‘fans’ hold with others.”
If you want to read the whole thing, you can do so here, or you can check out for a somewhat more in-depth analysis of the data than our own.
Does the way a person posts photos to social media affect your relationship with them? And to that point, just how many cat pictures is too many? Let’s get on that, science.
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