NASA Video Shows Off Curiosity’s Cameras
Here's a closer look at the 17 camera packed into the Mars Curiosity Rover

We’ve been following the exploits of the Curiosity Rover with excitement ever since it landed on Mars. The photographs that come back from the Rover have provided an astonishing look at another world — but have you ever wanted to know what the camera rig on the Rover actually is? This video from NASA provides a look at the 17 different cameras on the Rover, and what their purposes and capabilities are. It also delves into how the Curiosity grabs some of those shots, including the now iconic self-portrait, and the panoramas.
This isn’t the first we’ve heard of the hardware on Mars. For a more detailed look at the hardware, we looked at the specifications of these cameras here, and delved into why they’re so low-resolution here. But this video provides an excellent, quick, introduction to how Curiosity is taking all those fantastic photos.
[via Reddit]